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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I ain't workin for you anymore.

Today was my last day of work!!! Can I get an amen? Or maybe just a woot woot woot?
Let me take you through my day...

Drove to work...although this is a picture from a different day. Just imagine darker clouds.

Sat at my messy desk and took a few calls, caught up on a few blogs, and talked to some peeps. Then ate and ate and ate. In honor of my leaving we had oreos shaped like spiders (courtesy of Justin), yum! Pepperoni pizza and pumpkin chocolate cookies (my favorite, thanks Clyde). Then I got a call from a crazy man who said, "I hope your babies come out naked!" Thanks, sir. So do I. He proceeded to call back several times and was a great source of entertainment for the night. Also I used my last piece of paper in my notebook tonight, oh serindipity!

My coworkers gave my this cute card. It shall be used for decorative purposes on the mish. And speaking of the mish, any weight I gain while in Texas will here on out be referred to as my 'fat for Jesus' and/or 'the Lords pounds'. It makes me feel better about being obese in the future.

And then work was done. And my desk is lonely and depressed without me.

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But then I was happy again cause I blasted this song on my way home and sang at the top of my lungs. "I AIN'T WORKIN FOR YOU ANYMORE!"

Monday, October 12, 2009

So long, so long

The Setting: St. George Arcade
My Peeps: Allie, Cameron, and Preston
The Game: Deal or No Deal

Please keep in mind that I've watched about 15 minutes of Deal or No Deal once or twice, so I was pretty excited when I decided not to take any deal and found that I had picked the briefcase with 100 tickets in it. As I looked over my prizes it was clear the best course of action would be to go with the army men. And so I did. Allie and I attached them to my dashboard in strategic positions one sunny, autumn day in Cedar City. And they stayed that way for almost a year.

The other day I noticed my dashboard had gotten quite dusty and I decided it was time to clean it. The army men had become so brittle by that point that they would fall apart even when you just lightly touched them. So I had to say goodbye to them all.

They have brought a smile to the faces of workers of In and Out and McDonalds alike. They have provided entertainment to many riders in my passenger seat. And they have kept me company.

To my army men, whether gray, tan or green, I salute you all.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A-Z of things that make me happy.

A- Apple cider
B- Blue Lily Photgraphy
C- Collar bones and cardigans
D- Dandelion seeds
E- Etsy
F- Fields of grain, flowers
G- Grape snow cones
H- Happiness, Your Heritage
I- I Am the Messenger
J- Jim and Pam
K- Kites
L- Lighthouses
M- Mail and music videos
N- Nienie dialogues
O- The Orphaned Anythings
P- Peacoats, President Bush choking on a pretzel
Q- Quotes
R- Rainy days listening to Coldplay
S- Shows, shows, shows! And sunglasses.
T- The Truth About Forever
U- Umbrellas
V- Voice of Stephen Christian, Adam Lazzara, Chris Carrabba, Andrew McMahon, Cove Reber, Mikel Jollett and Anthony Green.
W- Warm Fuzzies and waking up early
X- XOXOXO (I'm trying to be more affectionate.)
Y- Yearly Tax Returns

Monday, October 5, 2009

I'm still down with J.C.

"Jesus Christ is the light and the life of the world. If we do not choose to move toward Him, we will find that we have moved away....Whether or not you choose to keep your covenant to always remember Him, He always remembers you." -Henry B. Eyring.

Another wonderous adventure of Jacki and me.

I know I'm a little late talking about this, but here we go.

The Airborne Toxic Event. Talk about epic. Luckily for me my dear friend, Jacki, stepped up and accepted my last minute invite to the show and I didn't have to go alone. It was Jacki's first experience in a small venue and it did not disappoint.

TATE has such stage presence, they're one of the best live bands I've seen. It's just exciting for me to see people who you can tell are so in the moment, are genuinely happy and are having fun doing what they do. Some highlights would have to be when Noah played his bass guitar with a bow, hearing their new songs and when they played the extended version of 'Innocence.' If you've not seen this I would highly suggest going to their MySpace page and watching the video for 'Innocence' in their acoustic series. I also loved hearing them play 'Something New', it took me back to the days of early summer when they played that song for me. To summarize: Anna is a doll. Mikel is something beautiful to behold and, if possible, has more emotion in his voice live then on record. I read a review that said their music is "poetry you can dance to." Too true. Checking their tour dates will be on the top of my list of things to do when I get back from my mission.

TATE was co-headlining with Arctic Monkeys. I still wish SLC was a city where TATE played last, but Arctic Monkeys were insane. Literally insane. Starting off with the first song their drummer had an unhealthy amount of energy. I kept watching him, waiting for his energy to drain or for him to have a heart attack, but he never did. He alone is reason enough for me to be a new fan of Arctic Monkeys. I also enjoyed the floppy-haired, british-accenty vocals of their singer. Drool.

Welp. That's pretty much it. Next up is Brand New. Kynslie and I will attempt to figure out the mystery that is Jesse Lacey. Wish us luck.