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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why not have another one? It's not like I'm leaving anytime soon...

I have felt the need yet again to start another blog. This one belongs to me and my old roomie and current dear friend, Erin. Join us in our astonishment of the things that come out of Kynslie's mouth.

Monday, September 28, 2009

it's a sign.

...And to continue a series of unexpected wisdom bombarding my life, let's hear a few surprising words from Max Bemis.

"The cool thing about this new record is that I feel like, as much as there are no happy endings in life, there are, in a way. Society brands you and conditions you to think you'll never get what you're looking for. You gotta keep trying, you gotta keep buying everything; don't settle for anything or anybody. Don't compromise, ever. That's the American Way. But in reality, life is full of compromise, and it brings you the most joy when you notice the small things in life.

I have better things to do with my time than to be the typical tortured artist. There are political systems and sociological mechanisms that could literally destroy this earth. My grandkids could be dead from us not taking care of this world and of each other. If I'm going to be trying to live this stupid, kvetching life, it's a waste of energy. It's a waste of what God gave me."

I will now top it off with tidings from Stephen Christian.

"Life is too good and life is too short to complain."

There you have it ladies and gentleman. My new outlook on life.

Friday, September 18, 2009

She's watching me awkwardly from a distance.

On Saturday Kynslie and I attended an acoustic show by Saosin featuring the angelic vocals of your favorite semi-famous Mormon and mine, Cove Reber. Feast your eyes upon this band. Those are some all around good lookin men.

But let's not get caught up in their beauty. We were lucky enough to get good seats on the second row of floor sitters. Chris, Cove and Justin announced that they would start off playing 'Follow and Feel'. I will admit that I was quite nervous for this because there have been rumors going around about Cove's voice going downhill. His voice is one of the main reasons I feel in love with this band, so of course I didn't want to believe it's true. The guitars began and then Cove sang, "Don't let them know you're watching the situation crumble..." I felt as if my soul breathed a huge sigh of relief. His voice was completely flawless. It blew me away.

They played a nice variety of songs including some really old Anthony Green ones, some from the self titled album, from 'In Search of Solid Ground', and some really funny covers including 'Friends In Low Places' by Garth Brooks. They came off as really chill, down to earth guys. By the end of the preformance we felt completely at ease around them. Okay, maybe not COMPLETELY at ease, I was still shaking when we met Cove. How could I not be nervous around someone who pulls off dreads so well AND has the perfect man legs?

Alex and Beau didn't play, which I would imagine is kind of weird for them. But it was nice to see their sweet spirits anyway. Moral of this blog: If you have not listened to Saosin you should be ashamed of yourself. Don't think, don't hesitate. Just buy all their music now!

I'll try to post some video later if my camera decides to cooperate with me. Only time will tell.

In other news tomorrow is a very exciting day for two reasons.
Reason #1: It's Adam Lazzara's bday and what doesn't say birthday fun like a picture of Adam peering at you? Happy birthday you beautiful late twenty something!
Reason #2: Tomorrow is the The Airborne Toxic Event show. Rest assured, you will be hearing plenty about it. As a side note, I found out the other day that lead singer, Mikel Jollett (far right), is 34 years old. As it turns out love really does know no age. If he wanted to, I'd totally let him date me. We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My new motto.

"Go to school, learn things, live your life, love people, have ideas, be beautiful." -Mikel Jollett.

Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm sorry, but OH EM GEEEEEE (gosh, of course)!!!!!!

I love work today. Why, you ask? Three reasons that I will now disclose to you:

1-We get pizza today.
2-After pizza we are having our weekly meeting. I love the weekly meeting because weekly meeting equals an hour not on the phones.
3-After the weekly meeting we get to go home early!

Can you believe my great luck? Pizza, meeting, and leaving early all on the same day! It's a good day for me even when just one of these things happens! This is like a very positive version of the Bermuda Triangle. If I had to chose one word to describe my mood right now it would be ecstatic. I feel as if I have just opened up the metaphorical door of life and Ed McMahon is standing on my metaphorical doorstep holding a giant metaphorical check all for ME!

And this is my face when I found out:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I Love Ryan Russell. His Photos? Ehh, not so much.

Have you ever been asked, "If you could trade places with anyone for one day who would it be?" I can remember being asked this three different times in my life. My answers were the President of the United States, Oprah and Britney Spears. Yeah, I really did say Britney Spears. But I only gave those answers because there really wasn't anyone I envied enough to trade with. I now have my answer to that question. Actually two answers, the first would be Stephen Christian, who is living his life the way I wish I was living mine. My second answer would have to be Ryan Russell. I'd like to think that 10 years down the road my life will be similar to his. Ryan Russell is a photographer, I tried my best to be picky about the photos I'm putting on here, but I wasn't extremely successful. Feast your eyes upon a few of the reasons I'd like to walk a mile...or five in Ryan Russell's shoes. Prepare for an obnoxious amount of photographs.

And now for the main reason I want to be Ryan Russell... Ben Gibbard, Death Cab For Cutie/The Postal Service

Matt Rubano, Taking Back Sunday

Fred Mascherino, The Color Fred

A little something for Kynslie (pretend that's a bubble gum cigarette)...Max Bemis, Say Anything/Two TonguesCartel

Tom Delonge, Angels and AirwavesAnberlin
Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance (Is anybody else getting a Michael Jackson vibe from this photo? I think it's the nose...and the jacket.)
Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance

My Chemical Romance


Aaron Gillespie, Underoath/The Almost

Anthony Green, Circa Survive

Anthony Green, Circa Survive

William Beckett, The Academy Is...

Hayley Williams, Paramore

Hayley Williams, Paramore

Hayley Williams, Paramore

Spencer Chamberlian, Underoath

Maylene and the Sons of Disaster

Tom Gabel, Against Me!

Taking Back Sunday

And let's end with a whole lotta Adam. (And no, I will not take the blame for featuring too many pictures of Adam Lazzara. It's really not my fault that a photogenic person and a great photographer have come in contact one to many times.)

To see more go to

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

R.I.P. sweet shades.

Today I am mourning the death of a close friend. My favorite pair of sunglasses have officially bit the dust. I carelessly put them in my purse thinking they would by fine, but somehow one of the temples (yes, I know the technical name) has fallen off and is, unfortunately, beyond repair.

I would like to take this time to say thank you. Thank you, dear shades, for being there for me through the brightest summer days to the most blinding days of winter. I remember our first days together, Kaela had found you at the Warped Tour, I took you from her and claimed you as my own. It didn't take a genius to see we were MFEO. You've always made me feel as glamorous as Jakie O. and have added that special touch of class to many an outfit. You may be useless to me now, but I will always remember you in all your rock n roll glory. You will be missed.