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Friday, July 24, 2009

Oh Pioneers!

This is my second blog of the day. Who's gonna stop me? NOT ALEX! Here I am sitting at work on Pioneer Day. I feel so unpatriotic for working on this ever so important holiday. And all because the rest of the people in this country, some people in Canada and possibly one person from Australia don't care about the pioneer children who sang as they walked and walked and walk. As far as I can tell Texas has three state holidays that you get work off for. They are Confederate Heroes Day, Texas Independence Day, and San Jacinto Day. Utah only has one and I'm working! All I really want to say is thanks. Thank you pioneers! You have made it possible for me to live in a place that you've made 'blossom as a rose', have a good job and get paid to blog. And I've made it possible to find a way to complain about it. Now I feel American.

1 comment:

StateOfMind said...

Hahahaha oh Ash you are so funny! & don't stress ill stop you next time hehehe!